Labs & Equipment
- Biology Lab Experiments
- Newly Added STEAM Activities
- AP Chemistry Achievement
- Biotechnology Experiments
- Chemistry Lab Experiments
- Elementary School Science Experiments
- Environmental Science Lab Experiments
- Flinn Lab Kits
- Guidelines and Forms for Deliveries
- Middle School Science Experiments
- Models and Specimens
- NEW Climate & Meteorology Experiments
- NEW Food Chemistry Experiments
- NEW Vernier Video Analysis: Motion & Sports
- Physics Lab Experiments
- Pivot Interactives Video Experiments
- Renewable Energy Lab Experiments
- Robotics Lab Experiments
Lab experiments are categorized under the topics of Biology, Human Physiology, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Environmental Science with Newly added Climate and Meteorology labs , Physics, Renewable Energy or Robotics.
These labs are designed for grades 9 through 12, and include hands-on, inquiry-based learning activities. The Middle School Science lab experiments are specifically written for students in grades 6 through 9 and are based upon concepts found in introductory earth science, life science, physical science, and integrated science courses. Many of the labs utilize Vernier probeware and interfaces to collect and analyze a wide variety of data. Also, check out our Newly added STEAM activities that are at a level appropriate for Middle and Upper Elementary School students.
We also have expanded our resources to support Elementary School Science suitable for grades 4 and up. Experiments are designed to explore changes in temperature, pressure, motion, force, light, magnetic fields and voltage. Kits include building electric circuits, learning the basics of computer programming with “visual computers”, studying solar energy and wind turbines, and using LEGOS to construct and test simple machines.
You can preview the experiments by opening one of the subject folders, then choosing the appropriate Vernier lab manual or individual SIM experiment. Click on the”Experiment Title” link to the experiment(s) that you wish to examine. The Vernier webpage provides a description of the experiment with correlations to state and national science standards.
After you submit a request to borrow equipment or obtain the services of the Mobile Educator for a particular lab, then you will then be emailed both the student and teacher versions of the experiment in Word format, using the equipment and probeware interface of your choice. (LCCC SIM has LabQuest 2 interfacing units that you may borrow to perform the experiments without the need for a computer.) You may edit the Word file for the experiment to meet your specific needs and make copies for use with your classes.
We also have 37 different Flinn Lab Kits that come with enough chemicals and materials for 12 lab groups to perform the experiment. For multiple classes or larger groups, the LCCC SIM Program may have additional supplies in stock. Common lab equipment, such as beakers and graduated cylinders may also be required, as described in the “Materials” section of the lab procedure. The extra lab equipment is also available through LCCC SIM.
Our program also has an assortment of microscopes and prepared slides that can be used to “get a closer” look at science. These can be used either by the students to explore the hidden world or demonstrated by the instructor by projecting images onto whiteboard while discussing the features and structure of specimens form plants, animals and minerals. Check out the options below at the LCCC SIM Microscopes and Slides inventory.
Microscope Slide Set (100 Gen Biology) United Scientific Supplies #SLD100N |
Microscope Slide Set (Gen Biology) Home Science Tools #MS-SETBIO |
Microscope Slide Set (25 Connective Tissue) Ward’s Histology |
Microscope Slide Set (36 Digestive System) Ward’s Histology |
Microscope Slide Set (6 Endochrine System) Ward’s Histology |
Microscope Slide Set (11 Epithelial Tissue) Ward’s Histology |
Microscope Slide Set (6 Excretory System) Ward’s Histology |
Microscope Slide Set (9 Muscular Tissue) Ward’s Histology |
Microscope Slide Set (34 Nervous System) Ward’s Histology |
Microscope Slide Set (21 Reproductive System) Ward’s Histology |
Microscope Slide Set (7 Respiratory System) Ward’s Histology |
Microscope Slide Set – Ward’s Human Body |
Microscope Geological Thin Slide Set (100 Ward’s North American Rocks) |
Various Models and Specimens are available to examine leaf and rock collections, biological specimens preserved in plastocast, construct molecular models using Lewis Structures, and study human anatomy and organs. In some cases, class sets of the models/specimens are available for student group work, otherwise only a teacher demonstration model is available for class use.
Newly added to the LCCC SIM Program in 2018 is Pivot Interactives , a powerful supplement to hands‑on experimentation, allowing students to vary experimental parameters one at a time to view results from a set of many slow-motion recordings of the same experiment. Students make measurements and analyze their data directly within the online environment to “discover” scientific principles. In order to preview the more than 140 lessons that are available in physics, chemistry, biology, and middle school science, connect to and click on the Pivot Interactives Library. Then click on Preview. This will allow you to evaluate the lesson in terms of the content, key focus questions, and possible data analysis, but the videos will not play during this preview. Submit the LCCC SIM request form found at LCCC SIM Request Form to gain access to the video resources found at
In an effort to continually expand our support by offering science education resources, we have STEAM that are designed to allow students to conduct hands-on experiments to explore a variety of scientific concepts. These include studying electrical conductivity, changes in matter inside a vacuum chamber, transformations in chemical heat and mechanical energy, applications of simple machines, bridge design, construction and strength testing, soda bottle and model rocketry, and roller coaster physics.These activities are suitable for teachers who would like to use them with individual classes or as extended projects for science fairs or with STEM clubs.
If you would like to borrow equipment and materials to use for one of the SIM experiments, please complete the Mobile Educator Visit/Equipment Loan Request Form and submit it to the SIM Staff at .
Equipment may be borrowed for a one-week period.
Equipment pick-up and drop-off must be scheduled at least 2 weeks ahead of time.
Please have the lab packed up and the paperwork ready for pick-up on the morning the equipment is to be picked up. Equipment may be picked up or dropped off at any time during the day; however the SIM staff will try to work with you to get an estimated time of arrival.
Please complete the LCCC SIM Drop-off/Pick-up receipt and LCCC SIM Quality Control sheet included with the equipment loan prior to the scheduled pick up. If you will not be finished with the equipment when it is scheduled to be picked up please contact the SIM staff ASAP.
If no one else has requested the material an extension may be granted. In order to provide the best support possible, you will be asked to complete a brief evaluation of the lab activity, which can be found at Post visit/loan evaluation.